Acoustic Perfume
Dazzling your senses.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
I know, it's been months since I blogged. In fact, I'd pretty much written it off in the near term. However, I put together a playlist on iTunes today that was so scattered I couldn't help but post it for posterity. I kept Jazz out of the mix, but it's all over the map otherwise. I had no concern for smooth transitions and no concern for anything other then my musical whim.....I think it's indicative of my state of mind lately. Check it out:

I'll be back soon with a bunch of musical recommendations.
Monday, July 17, 2006
On July 2nd, while my family was away on vacation, our nieghborhood was hit by a "microburst" storm. The term intrigued me, so I looked it up:
Unfortunately, two of the large (40+ foot) trees fell on my house. Smashed the ever-loving crap out of my home. I'm very thankful that we weren't home. One of the trees came in right over my daughter's crib.
Here are a few pictures of the damage:

So, now we are over the shock and on to rebuilding. Most of our possessions were salvagable. We're living with my in-laws for the near-term. We've been there for 10 days and haven't killed each other yet!
It amazes me how your perspective on what possessions are important to you changes when you're faced with loosing stuff. Suddenly, my bigscreen TV just wasn't all that important to me, but every picture on the walls was critical.
Not too much more to say. We'll rebuild and be back in the house sometime in the next 6-12 months.
On the lighter side, Katherine turns one year old next week. Wahoo!!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006
What a week
It's been a hell of a week here in the land of Zach.....
Work has been the focus of a lot of emotion this week. More, in terms of emotion, than I usually put into my job. After about a year of crappy business and a week of rampant rumor, the management of my department laid off about 18% of the staff. When there are only about 65 people in the do the math. This hit close to home for me. Two people that I work closely with got cut. I just thank the powers that be that I still have a job.
Last week, I got news that a really big, exciting proposal that I had written was not selected for funding. That, on its own, generally wouldn't have put me into a morose, awful mood. We have to write proposals to get R&D work. We win some and loose some. However, with the layoffs added in on top, my mood went to hell.
I've been through layoffs before. It's painful to watch your colleagues loose their jobs. However, in a sick sort of way, it's very validating to dodge the bullet. This time, with a wife a child that depend on me, I feel even more lucky....and sorry for those with more kids who are out looking for work. Luckily, my friend and I were able to work some contacts to get those close to us interviewing for new jobs.
The icing on the cake was that I had to write another proposal this week to try to bring in more work. Oh, the irony...
On the plus side, I've still got a great wife, kid, family and friends that would have supported me if I had lost my job.
Also, some good tunes on the old iPod. Since I was depressed and angry, I took a trip back in time before I purchased two new albums:

This was my trip back in time....a vintage 80's metal concept album. One of many things that I hacked through on my first drumset in Mom and Dad's basement. Sometimes, in a moment of depression, one must regress.
And the two new albums:

Two albums that are absolutely nothing alike, but I dig them both. This was my first foray into Shivaree, but the band came highly recommended. It's good music for sitting at work trying to get things done or relaxing with a bourbon after a tough day.
The Twilight Singers album is growing on me, as Greg Dulli's stuff often has to. The arrangements are great and I'm enjoying the tunes. This time, Dulli's vocals are pretty much in tune without loosing too much of thier raw character. The nasal vowel sounds still get on my nerves though.....
Today brings to a close a long, depressing week. I'm going to cap it with some Maker's Mark, a hug for my kid, a kiss for my wife, and the start of planning for a bachelor party for Phil.
Until next time....
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I can't do everything???....Stream of consciousness
Parenthood has been intensely rewarding. I love it. Granted, I've only been doing it for 8 months, but there really isn't much better than watching your kid splash in the bath for the first time and then look up at you in wild-eyed amusement.
On the other side of things, I'm really yearning to do some of the things that have fallen by the wayside over the past few months. I don't think that I've cracked the door to my drum studio in weeks....I really need to bang on some stuff. Then there's exercise....exerwho?
I'm sure that I'll get back to some of this stuff. However, I'm quickly learning that I may have to give some of it up. I led a very luxurious life before Kate was born. Pru is very tolerant, and I was out of the house 2-4 nights a week playing music, carousing, and having a grand old time. Those days are gone. For some reason that I can't begin to understand, Pru doesn't want to be left home with the kid, two crazed dogs, and a cat for more than and evening or so per week. I don't get it!
Of course, I do understand. It's tough. Especially when Kate is teething and the dogs have been cooped up all day. After spending a couple of those evenings by myself, I have a new respect for single parents. Chalk that up as one more reason not to get a divorce.
The most amazing thing about all of this is that I WANT to be home.
This week will be spent digging out from the weekend's estate sale purchases. A friend of Pru's sister held an estate sale this week. Some of people who stalk these sales are crazy. I couldn't believe it when, an hour before the sale started, there were strange, bedraggled people outside peeking in the windows! We netted a set of dining room chairs and a very nice chair with ottoman. Unfortunately, at my house, if something comes in, there has to be an equal and opposite reaction. That will be happening this week.
On Friday, I will have all four of my wisdom teeth removed....ugh. They are not impacted, but I can't keep them clean, so out they go. Better that then paying to have them redrilled and refilled every decade. Wish me luck. Dad will be in town to visit on Saturday. I hope that Kate can keep him amused.
Lastly, I leave you with one of the best Kate photos that I've taken:

Friday, March 03, 2006
Ah, the past
I'm certain that some people would belittle me about my musical preferences.....
silent waiting for Phil, Brian, or someone to jump into the void
I think I can probably find something on my iPod that will appeal to anyone I might meet. I like a lot of different music. Sometimes, though, I question my past....and especially Prudence's.
I had a fun blast from the ugly, ugly past today. My wife received, in the mail, MONSTER BALLADS. This is, literally, some of the classic (?) worst from the hair bands of the 80's. The sad thing is that I know all the words to many of these awful songs. It's a mixed blessing (or just a curse) that I have an uncanny knack for memorizing lyrics. These particularly meaningful songs are the things that we'll sing at the top of our lungs and embarrass the hell out of young Katherine. It's amazing how some of those things never leave your matter how hard you try. I have a feeling that I'm going to be hearing a lot of "When the Children Cry" and "Is this Love" over the next few days. I'll be able to relive those awkward moments, standing on the sidelines of middle school dances in a leather jacket and a mullet........
(If this were a podcast....we'd fade out to the chorus of 'Carrie' by's on there.)
On the plus side, I've found some good new music (new to me anyway) over the past few weeks as Phil, Brian, Ann and I explore each other's music and I spend some iTunes gift cards....Current listening:

I really, really dig this album. It took a while to grow on me, but I really like it. I was never a fan of Belle and Sebastian, but I like Lanegan's stuff. The blend of their two extreme voices is pretty interesting.

Thanks to Ann (Medusa) and Phil for the recommendations.
Wish me luck with the endless stream of Ballads that I'll hear over the next few weeks.....I only really question one of this Monster did 'Only Time will Tell' by Nelson make the mix????
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
An album lover in a single world
After a gluttonous and otherwise wonderful Thanksgiving, I left my lovely wife and child to rush home so that I could get to work on Monday. As I drove, the ipod spun (figuratively) my entertainment.
Since I got the iPod, I've shifted, with the rest of the music buying public, to a single song driven world. I still buy complete albums...mostly out of habit and my pack-rat tendencies, but then I usually gravitate to a few gems, and they end up on playlists with other songs that I like. iTunes and the iPod make this really easy. They make it very easy to listen to an eclectic mix of music in a drive home from work without wrecking the car. Enough adds for Apple.....
On this trip, after one of my favorite playlists, I decided that it was time to get back to albums. I couldn't believe how much I had missed listening to a full album. Over the remaining four hours of the trip and for the past few days, I have been thoroughly entertained by listening to full albums. Here are just four examples:
Achtung Baby - U2
Field Songs - Mark Lanegan
The Score - Fugees
Mongo Introduces La Lupe - Mongo Santamaria
Good stuff....I don't think I'll stop making playlists and messing with the iTunes Party Shuffle, but it's good to remember that people can put together a good, complete album.