Monday, July 17, 2006


On July 2nd, while my family was away on vacation, our nieghborhood was hit by a "microburst" storm. The term intrigued me, so I looked it up:

Unfortunately, two of the large (40+ foot) trees fell on my house. Smashed the ever-loving crap out of my home. I'm very thankful that we weren't home. One of the trees came in right over my daughter's crib.

Here are a few pictures of the damage:

So, now we are over the shock and on to rebuilding. Most of our possessions were salvagable. We're living with my in-laws for the near-term. We've been there for 10 days and haven't killed each other yet!

It amazes me how your perspective on what possessions are important to you changes when you're faced with loosing stuff. Suddenly, my bigscreen TV just wasn't all that important to me, but every picture on the walls was critical.

Not too much more to say. We'll rebuild and be back in the house sometime in the next 6-12 months.

On the lighter side, Katherine turns one year old next week. Wahoo!!!!


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